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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

5 behaviors The body burns more slowly.

5 behaviors that ruin your metabolism The body burns more slowly. Not losing weight! Having our metabolism work well is considered to help us lose weight and control it more effectively. It also has a positive effect on overall health. But if we do these

Chronic stuffy nose Is it a sign of any hidden dangers?

Chronic stuffy nose Is it a sign of any hidden dangers? If your nose is congested for more than 2 weeks in a row. It a warning sign of any hidden dangers? Dr. Bannawat Tantikhun, ยูฟ่าเบท otolaryngologist (ear, nose and throat), allergy and asthma

What time is the most beneficial time for the body to drink coffee?

Coffee is the most popular beverage in the world. Many people drink coffee regularly to increase their alertness and improve their performance. However, many people may wonder when is the best time to drink coffee. To get the most benefit from coffee In general, The best time to drink coffee is between

5 popular vegetables among Thai people

Known as a “vegetables”, many people may think that eating a lot of vegetables is better and beneficial to the body. Eating a lot of vegetables It shouldn’t be anything dangerous. But in fact There are still some vegetables that are popular in Thailand. Often found in Thai food. Things that